Egyptian Renewable Energy Cluster Innovation - ERECI
June 2014
New Frontier Services is a member of the ERECI consortium comprising Oxford Research (DK), Innova BIC (IT), American University of Cairo (EG), Federation of Egyptian Industries (EG), Industrial Modernization Centre (EG), Helwan University (EG) and the University of Messina (IT) which is led by the Cairo University (EG). The ERECI/RDI project's main aim is to establish a Renewable Energy Innovation Cluster in Egypt, achieving the following results such as an increase in the cooperation exchange and relationship within Egypt between the elements of the triple helix model (research, enterprise and public authorities) as well as increasing the cooperation, exchange and relationship between research and enterprises outside Egypt, and set the basis for the development of an entrepreneurial value chain on energy efficiency and RES technology in Egypt. The grant agreement ENPI/2014/344-312 has been signed on 28 June 2014.