Evaluation of Grant Applications under the ACP-EU Co-operation Programme in Science and Technology II Call for Proposals
February 2013
New Frontier Services, in partnership with HTSPE, has been selected by the EC to assist in the evaluation of grant applications received in the framework of the call for proposals of the ACP-EU Co-operation Programme in Science and Technology II (S&T II). NFS will be providing a team of 10 experts to carry out this assessment work. The ACP Science & Technology Programme II is the EC’s flagship initiative to support its partner countries in the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) region in strengthen capacity in the field of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) in the ACP region. Launched in October 2012, ACP-EU Science and Technology Programme II builds upon the positive results of the on-going ACP-EU Science and Technology Programme I. The global objectives of the ACP-EU Science and Technology Programme II are to i) address the scientific divide and to strengthen the ACP States’ capacity in the areas of science and technology and innovation with particular emphasis on integrated approaches to enable creation, uptake and use of scientific knowledge in ACP institutions and social and economic actors; ii) enhance use of S&T as a key enabler for poverty reduction, growth and socio-economic development, and iii) dissemination and adoption of relevant biotechnologies for food security and poverty reduction in ACP countries.