Evaluation of Grant Applications under the Government of Egypt’s Research and Development Programme II (Egypt Innovation Fund)
November 2012
New Frontier Services, working in partnership with HTSPE Ltd., has been selected to assist the European Commission and the Egyptian Ministry of Scientific Research in the evaluation of Grant Applications under the Government of Egypt’s Research and Development Programme II (Egypt Innovation Fund). The evaluation work will cover Scheme 1 and Scheme 2 of the Research and Development Programme II. The assignment is a demanding one, for which NFS will be making available a pool of 30 experts for this work, to cover the wide range of sectors covered by Scheme 1 and Scheme 2 - Energy, Water, Food and Agriculture, Manufacturing Industries, Environment, Health, Education, Information and Communication Technologies, Space applications including Communication and Remote Sensing, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology and new materials, Transportation and Logistics, Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship, Technology Transfer and Commercialization of patents/ideas, and Knowledge Exchange and Science communication.
Part of an NFS pool of 30 experts providing support for the Egyptian Government for the Assessment of Call for proposals under the Research, Development and Innovation Programme of the Government of Egypt. A key component of the Programme has been the Innovation Fund that supports research outputs exploitation and innovation with closer links to national and/or European/ENPI industries, through grants to cooperative applied research projects on competitive basis that aim at enhancing the innovative capabilities of industrial companies and notably the privately owned small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The fund grants were divided into two Schemes where large scale research Scheme1 projects using bigger funds and implemented across long durations consumed the majority of the fund in comparison to smaller Scheme2 projects. The first mission is scheduled for January 2013, with follow up assessment work in Q2 2013.